Posted by: tomleding | October 15, 2009

God Does Not Make Failures!

The Good News of the Gospel is that God created you to be a success!  God does not make failures!  It is not His nature to make failures because God never fails!  You can become that beautiful person God created you to be.  You are to be used of God to do wonderful things.  Jesus said, “You are the salt of the earth … the light of the world.” (Matt. 5:13-14)

Posted by: tomleding | August 12, 2009

Facing Life As It Is

Don’t say, “If things were different, I would do something.”

Do something with them as they are.

Facing your life as it is now and winning is the object. When things go hard and money stops coming in, or you lose your job and everything goes wrong, take account of stock. See what is wrong. See what you have forgotten, and go on and conquer.

We dream what we would do if . .  . Now wipe out the “if.” Dream, and do it regardless of circumstances.

You say, “That cannot be done.” It can be done. There is no “can’t” about it. The man who wills to do it, who puts up the fight, and is willing to do the work, can put it over.

A young man discovered a vein of gold high up in the mountains. He needed power. He needed money. He needed to know how to develop it. He struggled and worked and failed.

Sitting down one night after a long hard day, tired clear through and through, he said to himself, “I know where my difficulty is. I don’t know anything about this rock. I don’t know anything about geology and I know nothing about mining. I am going down to the city and find out.”

He came down to the city and went to the head of the mining department in the university and laid the case before him. The professor called up a mining engineer. He met the young man. The young man told his story. The engineer said that he must go and see the vein. It took about a week to get there.

After the engineer had seen it, he said, “There are millions there. But it will cost a great deal to get in here and to develop it. You will have to organize a stock company or sell it. Which will you do?”

The young man said, “I am going to develop it.”

It took him a year of hard training and study. He gave himself utterly to it. Through the long winter months he drove himself until, when the springtime came, he had acquired the knowledge that he needed.

It made him millions.

The trouble with too many people is that they want to get it too easily. Most of us say, “If I had had a chance – but circumstances were against me. I don’t have an education. I didn’t have the pull.” We lay our failure to the lack of opportunity.

Success belongs to the man who simply wills to do it. He is the man who makes success come his way.

The fellow who lies down and says, “I can’t do it,” is a failure.

Never lose heart because the first efforts fail. Go back and find the reason. Pick up the wreckage of old failures and build them into success.

You can do it!

(From a book by E. W. Kenyen, Signposts On The Road To Success)

Posted by: tomleding | July 27, 2009

I Will Persist

I will persist until I succeed. I was not delivered into this world in defeat, nor does failure course in my veins. I am not a loser, I am a winer.

A life of failure is not my destiny.

I will persist until I succeed.

I think I have captured God’s principles for success and prosperity. No one who follows these principles will ever fail as a person and no one will ever be truly great without them.

Posted by: tomleding | July 8, 2009

Reach for Prosperity

Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. 3 John 2

You will never posses anything you are unwilling to pursue. It is good to pursue good health, happiness and financial blessings. Your Heavenly Father wants you to experience all these blessings.

Get ready today to launch the greatest chapter you have ever known: PROSPERITY!

Get your copy of Rags to Riches today. You don’t have to be poor so get started today!

Order your copy now of Rags To Riches, by Dr. Tom Leding!
Click this link: or call 800-880-8220.
Your Greatest Asset $10.00 + $3.00 S/H = $13.00
Also available on tape w/book $39.95 + $3.00 S/H = $42.95

The rest of your life will be the best of your life!

Posted by: tomleding | April 29, 2009

Without God, We Cannot. Without Us, God Will Not.

The Bible is the only inspired, infallible and authoritative written Word of God. The Scriptures prove that God will go to any length to bless His people. He has changed neither His Covenant nor His integrity. His power has not been weakened. He is the covenant-keeping God in our generation. “My Covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips.” (Psalms 89:34) He is still offering us the promises of Abraham – all of them! His Covenant has never been altered. All we have to do is take it. Praise God! He has guaranteed to establish His blessings with us in this generation.

As Christians, we have riches untold.  In Christ we have:

~a love that can never be fathomed

~a life that can never die

~a peace that can never be understood

~a rest that can never be disturbed

~a joy that can never be diminished

~a hope that can never be disappointed

~a glory that can never be clouded

~a happiness that can never be interrupted

~a light that can never be extinguished

~a strength that can never be overcome

~a beauty that can never be marred

~a purity that can never be defiled

~ and resources that can never be exhausted.

It is good to know that God always keeps His Word! However, He does more than that. He does it so abundantly and so perfectly and with such a flourish that we never could have dreamed in advance how wonderful it would be. There is nothing that gives God greater pleasure than keeping His Word. He loves to say to us, “Didn’t I tell you it would be like that?” If you will surrender completely to Him, God will do things for you that you couldn’t have imagined. How great is His mercy!

God wants us to be joyful, healthy, and successful. He has given us Scriptures like: “They that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing,” (Psalm 34:10) and “If we obey and serve him, we shall spend our days in prosperity and our years in pleasure.” (Job 36:11)

The redemptive plan of God still belongs to us today. However, someone might say, “If healing and prosperity belong to us, why don’t we have it?” Did you ever stop to think about the fact that salvation belongs to the worst person you know, just as much as it does to you? “Well, why doesn’t he have salvation if it belongs to him?”  It’s either because he hasn’t heard about salvation, or he heard about it and rejected it.

God’s blessings don’t just fall on us. He gave us His Word to let us know what belongs to us and how to appropriate it. That is the reason the psalmist said, “The entrance of thy words giveth light…” (Psalms 119:130) We have been given the Word of God, and we can either accept it or reject it. If we accept God’s Word and walk in the light of it, the blessings and promises of God become ours.

I am so glad we can live peaceful, joyous, prosperous and healthy lives in this world.  Jesus Christ paid the price for our peace, our joy, our prosperity, and our health.  However, once again, this peace, joy, and health are not automatic.  We will experience them only to the degree that we renew our minds on a daily, continuing basis.  In order for us to prosper as our Father wants us to prosper, our souls must prosper.  In order for our souls to prosper, God’s Word must dominate our lives.  God’s instructions to us must be the absolute center of our lives.  Everything we think, say and do must revolve around His instructions to us.

As Christians we can have riches untold if we do our part and study His Word and renew our minds to His ways. To encourage you in the study of God’s Word, rise early every morning with the 5 o’Clock Club.  Simply do this: read two chapters in the Old Testament, five chapters in Psalms, one chapter in Proverbs and two chapters in the New Testament every day. When you complete each section, start over.  This will get you through the Old Testament once each year, Psalms and Proverbs each month, and the New Testament twice each year. It is time to get into God’s Word and establish a plan for attaining a life of prosperity and abundance.

Posted by: tomleding | April 15, 2009

Six Steps To Making a New Start

I.  Rediscover Your Genius

I can do all things through Christ which strenghteneth me. Philippians 4:13

1.   Know what you want

2.   Find yourself

3.    Get motivated

II.    Understand Success

Thou wilt show me the path of life. Psalm 16:11

1.     Do your best

2.     Create positive images

3.     Discipline Yourself

III.  See Opportunity or Opportunities

See ye first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Matthew 6:33

1.     Open your mind

2.    Develop your personality

3.    Discipline yourself

IV.   Forget, Forgive and Live

Forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are gone before, I press toward the mark… Philippians 3:13,14

1.    Forget the past

2.   Forgive yourself  and others

3.   Live today

V.    Cultivate Optimism

Give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good. Psalms 136:1

1.     Don’t limit yourself

2.     Get outside yourself

3.     Think health

VI.   Tap Into The Power of Prayer

What thing soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them. Mark 11:24

1.    Talk, visualize, then listen

2.    Remove all barriers

3.    Believe in miracles

Philippians 4:13 says, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. In actuality, that verse means, “I can handle everything with Christ’s strength. I can handle all obstacles, all the good times, and all the bad times knowing that Christ is in control.”

Posted by: tomleding | March 19, 2009


God has been speaking to me, I feel your financial struggle, a strong anointing is on me now to tell you this is your hour for a financial miracle breakthrough! I believe God is going to work a miracle in your life. “Where any two on this earth shall agree it shall be done.” Matthew 18:19

Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert. Isaiah 43:18-19

Prophetic Word

“My Child, this is a new day, a day of abundance for you. Remember not the former things, neither consider the things of old, for behold I will do a new thing,” saith the Lord. “Release your faith for the flow of anointing of new money in your life. As you come into agreement with me, speak it, see it, receive it and so shall you prosper.”

You Are Blessed

He has chosen you. Do not doubt, only believe. Use your faith to receive. The curse of lack is being destroyed off of your life.

Oh, Praise God! This is your time. “Many are called, but few are chosen.” As a child of God you have been chosen.

God said He is going to do a new thing for you as you trust Him. I must tell you as strong as I know how: This is your time to prosper and be blessed.

“Believe in the Lord, so shall ye be established. Believe His prophets, so shall ye prosper.” II Chronicles 20:20

By faith, I see three things happening to you through your obedience:

1.  Enough money coming to you to pay all your bills.

2.  Money to buy what you have been wanting.

3.  Money to help people you love.

You must do what God is saying to you and plant our best seed for a strong harvest.

Pray this prayer with me.

Lord, I claim abundance. I trust in you. This “trust in God” and this seed faith represents all the money I need and more that you are sending me. I will do what you are saying and plant a serious seed. Thank you for a flow of money in my life to pay all my bills, to give me my heart’s desire and enough left over to help people I love. In Jesus Name, amen.

It is time to plant a serious seed to meet the serious needs in your life.

How much money do you need to pay all your bills? _________

How much money do you need to buy what you want? _______

Send your request to me at and I will pray and agree with you.

Posted by: tomleding | March 11, 2009

Who Is This Man Called Jesus?

The world says Christians must be “out of their minds.” We do not need to argue with them. Jesus Christ really is God in human flesh. Those who are skeptical will have their lives changed after reading this book. It is a book for people who are skeptical about Jesus’ deity, His resurrection and His claims on their lives.

You can laugh at Christianity, you can mock and ridicule it, but it works. It changes lives. If you trust Christ, start watching your attitude and actions, because Jesus Christ is in the business of changing lives. Christianity is not something you shove down somebody’s throat or force on someone. You have got your life to live and I have got mine. All I can do is tell you what I have learned. After that, it is your decision.

My new book is out! you can get it at

It is my desire to get this book into as many prisons as we possible can. You can help. Contact chaplains in the jails and prisons in your area and send them several copies of these books. Working together I believe we can cover the USA.

Posted by: tomleding | February 25, 2009

Why I Wrote It

I am delighted to present to you the greatest book I have ever written: The Dynamic Laws of Creative Selling!

What makes The Dynamic Laws of Creative Selling different from all the other books I have written? First The Dynamic Laws of Creative Selling is written from personal experiences in my life that have never been in print or told on television or radio.

Secondly, The Dynamic Laws of Creative Selling covers exciting and life changing materials about the most important person in your life…you! Many people want to change their circumstances, their jobs, marriages, their churches…but the only thing in the world you really can change is yourself!

In The Dynamic Laws of Creative Selling I share with you concepts that have guided my life for 40 years. All of the concepts and principles work. That means these are truths that will guide you to success and prosperity.

v  Your Divine Destiny

v  Your Stairway to the Stars

v  Your Impossible Dream

In The Dynamic Laws of Creative Selling I begin by telling you how to develop the miracle mentality that prepares you to receive the unlimited blessings of God! If your mind can conceive it…you can achieve it! The Bible says, “Nothing is impossible to those that believe…”

In The Dynamic Laws of Creative Selling I share with you the principles of communication in marriage! There’s not one married couple in America that can’t have a better marriage…now! I also share with you how to escape communication killers when you speak.

In The Dynamic Laws of Creative Selling I take you through anger management. When Jesus invaded the Temple with a whip and drove out the money changers, did He sin? Did he slip out of character for a brief moment?

In The Dynamic Laws of Creative Selling I cover the mastery of worry, the mastery of fear, the mastery of resentment and how to experience total forgiveness for people and circumstances in your life that have hurt and haunted you all your life.

I also have covered depression. Who gets depressed? Who stays depressed? The physical and emotional reasons people slip into depression. The most exciting part is your don’t have to stay depressed. You will also read of prosperity and how to have it, that alone is worth the price of this book.

I used these principles for 27 years and became the number one salesman in the nation for one of the largest insurance companies for seven years in a row out of over 14,000 agents. These are battlefield tested. If they worked for me, they will work for you!

In The Dynamic Laws of Creative Selling I cover the most awesome weapon God has given to mankind. It is the power of prayer that prevails! There is a right way and a wrong way to pray. There are Bible principals you must practice before God will answer your prayers. The first is you must pray all prayers “in the name of Jesus.” You cannot get an audience with God in any other name. God is simply not listening. Without Bible principles your prayers will never be answered.

In closing, I share with you the Essentials of Self-Esteem. Who are you? When you look in the mirror, do you like the person you see? Are you excited about your future? Do you want to be successful? Would you consider yourself a success? How do you define success for yourself? Success is not just for the privileged, success is for everyone.

It is God’s will for you to be successful! If you are not successful it is not God’s fault. Joshua 1:8 says that the Word of God shall not depart out of your mouth but that “you shall meditate therein day and night…then you will have good success.

Posted by: tomleding | February 20, 2009

Can you trust God?

“And the Lord shall make you the head, and not the tail; and you shall be above only, and you shall not be beneath, if you heed the commandments of the Lord your God, which I command you this day, and are watchful to do them.” Deuteronomy 28:13 TAB

It seems impossible that 2008 has come and gone. You may have said, as I did, “with the help of the Lord I made it through the year.” It was indeed a challenging year for our family. Many times I had to stand on the truth of Psalm 46:1 which says, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” Our Heavenly Father is always there for us, if we will just ask for His help. Last year is history, and we now look to this year 2009.

I believe the Lord is calling for a greater commitment from us all in this next year – a commitment to spend quality time in God’s Word and a commitment to put the Word of God into practice. After the death of Moses, the Lord told the Israelites, “This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth, but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.” Joshua 1:8

Each one of us desires to have a successful and prosperous life. The Bible has given us the formula for success. Joshua 1:8 tells us to meditate in the Word continually and to practice the Word of God in our lives. Each year, many Christians include these two items in their New Year’s resolutions: to study the Word more diligently and to spend more time in prayer. However, if we’re not careful the enemy will begin to steal our time, and we find ourselves too busy in the natural to spend time with the Lord. This year, I encourage you to not let the enemy rob you of the one thing that will make you a success in life. As the Body of Christ, we have a great work to do. I believe we are living in the last days. The Lord needs laborers.

Matthew 9:37 and 38 says, “The Harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few; pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth laborers into his harvest.” Each one of us can be a laborer in the harvest field. I encourage you to be a witness in your world.

I have often had the opportunity to witness to others about God just by living a Godly life. There is an old adage that says, our actions speak louder than words. It’s important that we be good witnesses through our actions. When a situation arises and my flesh wants to react, I choose to be a Godly example. For instance, when someone cuts in front of me in a line, I simply smile and say, “You must be in a hurry, please go ahead of me.” (Even when I’m in a hurry too.) You would be amazed how a simple gesture like that can open the door for witnessing.

Psalm 37:23 says, “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way.” Let the Lord guide your steps this year. Be sensitive to His prompting. Many times we miss a good opportunity because we are not sensitive to the voice of God. As you allow the Lord to lead and guide you throughout the year, I know He will bring His Word to pass in your life. He will do exceeding abundantly above all that you could ask or think according to the power that is at work in you. (Eph 3:20) I believe 2009 holds great abundance for those who dare to trust and believe God!

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